A Quick and Simple Configuration Tool for Warwick Wireless Radio Modems. WarwickW is a Terminal Emulation program with added features written in Visual Basic 6.0 and fully packaged using Visual Studio Installer.
Warwick Wireless radio modems allow data communication by radio over distances up to 20 kilometres for telemetry applications.
The modems are self cotained units that are programmed by the customers to to match their communication systems. The interface into the modem is an RS232 serial connection, and the configuration is performed by connecting a PC and using hyperlink terminal emulation software .
Unfortunately, different versions of Hyperlink were creating support issues for Warwick Wireless. Hence, the WarwickW program was created to provide a consistent and branded configuration utility.
Visual Basic was chosen for this project because it has a reliable, supported module for RS232 serial communications - MSCOMM. The finished program is installed in minutes using a standard Windows installer package and communicates with the modems through simple menu systems.